L&D professional and UX researcher

with workshop facilitation and design sprint skills

As a trained educator (MA in Teaching English), I have spent the majority of my career in eLearning - designing pedagogically accurate and engaging courses and managing L&D teams. Then, in 2013, my thirst for knowledge led me to discover my passion for the open-minded and emphatic innovation approach of Design Thinking and became a certified practitioner of Design Thinking and Design Sprint methodologies. Later, I found my love for compassionate ways of team management (Appreciative Inquiry and Situational Leadership) that I applied in my team management style. Following my beliefs in listening to people and designing solutions with their needs in mind, I ventured into user experience, and, most recently, utilized the knowledge I gathered during courses to optimize product development as a UX Researcher. What a journey, and it's not even done yet!

My experience

My experience

In addition to the experience gained from university and additional certificates, I have sharpened my theoretical during many a workshop. Most notably, I have been on the organizing committee for the first, and all subsequent editions of the Polish Design Thinking Week (organization, workshop facilitation, analysis, etc.). Commercially, I'm responsible for creating and maintaining eLearning portfolios and certification processes. In addition, I spoke from experience and led workshops during notable conferences: Women in Technology Krakow, TedXKazimierz (workshop), soap! technical comm conferences (many editions, both speaking and workshops), ACE! Conference, Women Techmakers Belfast, Service Design Network event, Dusseldorf Startup Week, appearances on Summer Elearning School podcast, UX After Hours podcast, Congrés Internacional in Spain; guest lectures for Jagiellonian University, Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs,;and more. Most of them have my talks available online (and listed on my YouTube channel), some are summarized on this website, so I invite you to verify my expertise there, as I stand by my knowledge and ideas. I'm also open to questions and/or challenges of my thinking!