How the brain learns – a quick and dirty recap

Ever since uni, I have been connected with education. I have a degree in teaching, a few extra methodology courses under my belt, I use design thinking and do workshops, I taught at school for a while, I work in online learning… and, of course, I learn new things for myself! Recently I came back to my once-adored but now a bit dusted hobby of finding ways how to learn, but… I realized that in the race to develop myself, I neglected the foundations of my knowledge. With some new techniques, I understood how they were supposed to work, but I couldn’t get them to – because I wasn’t nurturing the groundwork. I decided to go back to the beginning and refresh my knowledge, and share my findings/notes with you!


Actually, I’m not going to lie to you, I actually found someone who did it so perfectly that I must share their video, and I think the next 10 minutes will give you new or refreshed ideas on approaching teaching methods. Enjoy, it’s a great talk!