UX After Hours podcast 2020

Hej, cześć!
UX po Godzinach (UX After Hours) to wywiady z ekspertami z branży, rozpowszechniające wiedzę o UX i pokazujące smaczki z życia codziennego, które poprawiają doświadczenie użytkownika. Podkast nagrywany jest w języku polskim. Jeśli chcesz przeczytać posty po polsku to kliknij tutaj, znajdziesz tam pełne opisy odcinków, w których uczestniczyłam. Dziękuję!

If you know anything about me (and, at this point, I should hope you know at least a little!), you know I love to talk about design thinking, creativity; you know I love sharing my views but I’m super interested in what other people think, feel, do! When I was approached by Szymon Trzepla, one of the interviewers of the UX po Godzinach (UX After Hours) podcast, I was honored to discuss the topic of creativity. We decided not to shy away from creativity in all aspects of life – personal time, work projects, books, exercises, and more. While I cannot recap the whole conversation, I can share the book titles, videos, and other links that you will be able to explore (in English). Enjoy!



Szymon, my interviewer, also writes articles about UX, and he wrote one after our conversation! What a lovely bow to our inspiring conversation! You can read his article, titled „If you can experience, you can be creative”, in English here: https://uxplanet.org/if-you-can-experience-you-can-be-creative-b28b65b71d58.